Sunday, April 18, 2010

Lazy Sunday in Memory Land.

Lazy Sunday in Memory Land., originally uploaded by Lucia Rojas.

or the alternate title of: "Living in world of fake"

These past weeks feel like nothing is true and nothing is real. I need to touch it and feel it to make sure it is actually there..and lately my hands are tied, my eyes blindfolded....

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Little Ale & little Me.

Little Ale, originally uploaded by Lucia Rojas.

Some of my old work with Ale.... I loved this day. It was so raw... so present and connected.
I have to find that feeling again. I have to find that little me.

Thursday, April 15, 2010


Signos, originally uploaded by Lucia Rojas.

Todo hace el amor con el silencio.
Me habĂ­an prometido un silencio como un fuego, una casa de silencio.
De pronto el templo es un circo y la luz un tambor.

Alejandra Pizarnik