Monday, May 17, 2010

Sabbie Mobili

, originally uploaded by Lucia Rojas.

Sabbie Mobili

Demoni e meraviglie
Venti e maree
Lontano di già si e' ritirato il mare
E tu
Come alga dolcemente accarezzata dal vento
Nella sabbia del tuo letto ti agiti sognando
Demoni e meraviglie
Venti e maree
Lontano di già si e' ritirato il mare
Ma nei tuoi occhi socchiusi
Due piccole onde son rimaste
Demoni e meraviglie
Venti e maree
Due piccole onde per annegarmi.

Jacques Prevert

I found this one of mine in a blog accompanied by this beautiful poem... so i decided i wanted to share it here too.

This is the blog:

Saturday, May 15, 2010


Irene, originally uploaded by Lucia Rojas.

Vuelve otra vez y tómame,
amada sensación retorna y tómame -
cuando la memoria del cuerpo se despierta,
y un antiguo deseo atraviesa la sangre;
cuando los labios y la piel recuerdan,
cuando las manos sienten que aún te tocan.

Vuelve otra vez y tómame en la noche,
cuando los labios y la piel recuerdan...

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Lazy Sunday in Memory Land.

Lazy Sunday in Memory Land., originally uploaded by Lucia Rojas.

or the alternate title of: "Living in world of fake"

These past weeks feel like nothing is true and nothing is real. I need to touch it and feel it to make sure it is actually there..and lately my hands are tied, my eyes blindfolded....

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Little Ale & little Me.

Little Ale, originally uploaded by Lucia Rojas.

Some of my old work with Ale.... I loved this day. It was so raw... so present and connected.
I have to find that feeling again. I have to find that little me.

Thursday, April 15, 2010


Signos, originally uploaded by Lucia Rojas.

Todo hace el amor con el silencio.
Me habían prometido un silencio como un fuego, una casa de silencio.
De pronto el templo es un circo y la luz un tambor.

Alejandra Pizarnik