Monday, November 9, 2009

Adieu, Bon Voyage,

Adieu, Bon Voyage,, originally uploaded by Lucia Rojas.

I seem to be in a nostalgic mood lately. I have spent days going over old images... pictures I took when I first started to fall in love with photography. It was the moment my brush changed..... and it created a complete transformation in who I was and what I wanted...

I have loved every second of the way in this process and I can't wait for what is coming.... but still, some of my favorite and most loved images where taken back then.

This picture I took for a friend who was leaving on a long trip. It was my way of saying goodbye. :)


Kuhkay said...


Anonymous said...

preciosa foto y sentimiento que te llevo a hacerla.
comparto contigo el hecho de que ultimamente ando revisando trabajos pasados. revalorando cosas que en su momento no hice caso.
me encanta tu blog y es una maravilla el encontrarte de nuevo.

Lucia Rojas Photography said...

Gracias a las dos Ales. :)
Me encanta encontrarte a mi tambien.