Saturday, December 20, 2008

Last Week

Ok. So this is officially my last week in New York City, and after 4 months of a having my life turned upside down in many ways, I have decided to get personal, to dig into the core and try to untangle this mess I have gotten myself into. I now feel like it is something I HAVE to do. Organize the feelings and thoughts I have had these 4 months and little by little organize my life.

I had been warned about this city. I knew I was taking a huge risk by coming here. And I don't mean the normal-kind of risk that one takes when traveling, but something that was much deeper and so, so very intimate...

So intimate I still find it hard to put into words. But this post and the ones to come will try to start getting me out the labyrinth.

That tiny red leaf, that survived the first snow storm is quite important. It is me... It is my soul, my mind, my body... The piece of me that is left in the insanity of this experience. A small leaf holding on to the branch...

I hold on to the idea of what is coming...
I hold on to love,
I hold on to me.
But to really do that I have to first organize what has happened...
I have to figure out if I should be angry or grateful with New York...

(to be continued)

1 comment:

Joe's Astrology said...

Very insightful. I, myself, am fascinated by the spectrums of human imagination and the lingering recesses of the human mind. I'm excited to see more of you work. Your photos reflect a depth and complexity that is hard to capture on film. Bravo!